
Introducing Guest Contributions!

DeathtoStock_Wired4Thinkers Incorporated is getting close to its second year, and since it launched,  it has undergone a number of changes. Through these changes, we have learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t. We are an evolving organization, changing to meet people’s needs and to seize new opportunities.

As we prepare to enter our second year, we are excited to announce one of biggest and most exciting changes to date. Thinkers Incorporated will now be publishing content from guest contributors. We will be publishing one guest post per month.

Anyone can submit posts, which we will evaluate for publication using the following criteria:

1. Relevance

We are looking for content that addresses the issues and questions facing the modern man. This content can certainly be rooted in tradition, but it also needs to be applicable to people’s lives today. We want to ask the big questions; we want to explore the meaning of life, the presence of beauty, and how we should live, but we want to look at these issues from the perspective of life in the 21st century.

2. Thoughtfulness

Hopefully, you were able to deduce this criteria before it was ever mentioned. Here at Thinkers Incorporated, we aspire to publish thoughtful content. Dig below the surface and really think things through, and use logic to come to a conclusion that is consistent with the premise. This should all be pretty self explanatory.

3. Authenticity

Finally, guest content should reflect an authentic faith, a passion for the truth, and an honesty rooted in experience. Authenticity is somewhat nebulous, but hopefully this clarifies what we mean. We want the content that we publish to reflect a real love for Christ, for others, and for truth and beauty. We also want it to reflect the reality of the human experience, including experiences of sin, of beauty, of weakness, and of healing. Be honest. Be bold.

Anyone can submit content. Although we cannot guarantee that it will be published, we will certainly give it a look. Just email your submissions to

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